Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane Avoid Toilet Cleaning Mistakes

Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane: Avoid Toilet Cleaning Mistakes

Have you ever taken a moment to wonder whether your toilet cleaning routine is doing its job? Can you confidently say that you can eradicate germs and grime properly, or is there something major you might be missing? Toilet cleaning is not merely another chore, but rather a very relevant one aimed at keeping the hygiene and freshness around in your house. Yet many people are most often blindfolded when it comes to dirty mistakes that they think are insignificant as per Bond Clean Brisbane. From leaving out key places and using the wrong products to many more, these can render the hard work futile. Yet this does not mean that you are not going to avoid these pitfalls. 

Here are five common mistakes people make while cleaning their toilets and some good practical tips to correct them by Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane. By the end of this guide, you’ll have all the tools and advice you will need to let your bathroom sparkle like never before!

1. Hurrying Through Cleaning

Apply the cleaning agent and wipe it straight away: one of the most common mistakes made while cleaning toilets. According to Bond Clean Brisbane, cleaning agents and disinfectants need time to act and break down dirt molecules.

Whether you are using store-bought toilet cleaner or a homemade vinegar solution, leaving it for a few minutes helps cut through rust, grime, mineral deposits, and stubborn filth. Then, for sparkling results, use your toilet brush to scour the bowl and all of its nooks and crannies. This will also assist you in eliminating any residual bacteria and unpleasant smells.

In case you are worried about the entire rental property, hire professional experts for Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane. They always follow the label instructions and use marsupial cleaners in cleaning sprays and solvents.

2. Mixing Products For Cleaning

People generally mix different cleaning products for better and faster cleaning because of the misconception that they should clean more effectively, as per the sayings of Bond Clean Brisbane. This is one of the biggest cleaning mistakes, which involves the use of traditional cleaning agents that can be anything else but ammonic, bleach, etc. These toxic fumes that are produced once they are mixed can be lethal and are considered a serious health hazard to one’s respiratory system; thus, here are some of the common cleaning products that should never be mixed:

  • Bleach and Ammonia: It forms a gas called chloramine, which can irritate the lungs and eyes, as per studies of Bond Clean Brisbane.
  • Bleach and Vinegar: These two are potentially harmful to health. They cause coughing spells and eye irritation.
  • Drain Cleaners with Other Products: Drain cleaners are abrasive by nature and thus can react with other cleaning products. It can even wreck the floor of your toilet bowl.

It is always better to follow the indications provided on the label of the product, as per Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane. Instead of spending on chemicals harmful to one’s health, it’s better to refer to a DIY recipe with vinegar, mild dish soap, and warm water.

3. Not Cleaning Behind the Toilet

The areas just beyond the toilet-and-wall junction are usually neglected in the daily chore of toilet cleaning in most households. Unfortunately, it is the place where germs multiply due to the dirt, dust, and grime build-up, according to Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane. If you find it difficult cleaning some hard-to-reach areas of your toilet-the “s” bend, for instance, these hacks:

  • Spray some cleaning fluid into the narrow gap.
  • Wait for some minutes for the grime to break down.
  • Use a brush to scrub, a mop, or a microfiber cloth.

Keep in mind that Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane experts will always clean every nook and cranny including behind your toilet, for their clients to clear the final inspection and receive their whole bond back.

4. Neglected Places Carrying Germs

Cleaning or disinfecting the toilet bowl does not suffice in the Bond Clean Brisbane. For the best results of your meticulously conducted efforts, you should give equal attention to other germ-laden spots. These include the flush handle, toilet seat, faucets, and other areas. Most people forget these areas, compromising the cleanliness and sanitariness of their entire property.

Experts like Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane say that cleaning and disinfecting these regularly can elevate hygiene in all indoor areas. You can even use eco-friendly alternatives, say, rub alcohol for germ and bacteria kills instead of the usual disinfectants.

5. Not Washing Your Toilet Cleaning Brush 

In most households, after a complete cleanup, the last part is cleaning the toilet brush. Believe it or not, washing and disinfecting a brush is vital to prevent the spread of germs, dirt, and unpleasant odour, as per Bond Clean Brisbane

Water stagnation might worsen the situation if the brush is not allowed to dry fully before being put back in its holder. Therefore, it is better to develop good cleaning habits as per Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane, so that you can ensure all your toilet brushes are clean and ready when next used.

6. Other Cleaning Blunders to Avoid

Further mistakes you can alleviate to have that pristine bathroom, including your toilet:

  • Using Wrong Products: You won’t get the desired results by using a floor cleaner on your toilet bowl. You should buy specialized ones that are sharp enough to tackle rust, mineral deposits, and grime. If homemade cleaners are your trend, use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, then rinse. Baking soda would be an awesome germ and odour-killer.
  • Let Dust Collect on Surfaces: Explore the nooks and crannies before cleaning the top of the toilet tank, the shelves, and the walls with some toilet cleaner or water-based solvent.
  • Not Clean Twice a Month: Sometimes cleaning only increases your workload. It is good to have a schedule that includes your toilet cleaning every week and keeps your bathroom clean and shiny. Do not forget to clean your spa bathtub, tiles, shower area and counters to keep the hygiene of your house intact. 

Another alternative is to find and use experts who can do a budget Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane for you and prevent unnecessary rental wrangles over half-baked cleaning. To help you get all of your bond money back, they thoroughly clean every nook and cranny by the pre-approved cleaning checklist.

Wrapping Up

Certainly, scrubbing your toilet is not a very pleasant task, but if done correctly, it will help in a big way to keep your home healthy and pleasant. Avoid these common errors or try the remedies suggested by Eco Bond Cleaning Brisbane to have a toilet that is very well-cleaned and hygienic: For additional tips, check out our blog on How to Remove Rust Stains in Toilets & Sinks. Invest in the right tools and products, stick to a regular cleaning schedule and don’t forget the little things. Such as, now your toilet is shining. 

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